
マスタード・クリームのポークチョップの材料 豚バラ肉(500g前後)4枚
玉ねぎ(みじん切り) 1/2個
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
生クリーム 200ml
粒マスタード 小さじ2
マッシュルーム 200g
バター 50g
生クリーム 大さじ3
牛乳 100ml
2. 両面に焼き色がつき、ほぼ火が通るまで焼きます(約3~5分)。焼き時間は厚さによ って異なります。焼き終わったら、皿に取り出しておいてください。 3. 同じフライパンに残りのオリーブオイル(大さじ1)を入れて加熱します。フライパン にマッシュルーム、玉ねぎを入れて塩・胡椒で調味します。マッシュルームと玉ねぎ が柔らかくなるまで炒めます。
4. 生クリームと粒マスタードを加え、なめらかになるまで混ぜます。塩を加えて味を調 えます。必要であれば、胡椒を加えます。
5. フライパンに豚肉を戻し入れ、よく火が通るまで焼きます。
4. 塩・胡椒で味を調えます。
Creamy pork chops with mustard and mashed potato

Ready in about 20 to 30 minutes. Served with mashed potatoes or rice to soak up the savory sauce. You'll enjoy every drop!
Serves 4
Prep time: 15 min/ cooking time: 10 min
Ingredients: For the creamy pork chops
4 pieces of pork chops, around 500 gr
½ onion, chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
200 ml of liquid cream
2 tsp of whole grain mustard
200 gr button mushroom
Salt and pepper
For the mashed potato
500 gr potatoes diced
50 gr butter
3 tbsp of liquid cream
100 ml of milk
Method: To make the creamy pork chops
Season the pork chops with salt and pepper. Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a skillet or pan.
2. Cook until browned on both sides and almost cooked through, about 3 to 5 minutes depending on the thickness of chops. Remove to a plate and set aside.
3. Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil in the same skillet. Add the mushrooms, onion, and seasoning with salt and pepper. Cook until mushrooms and onions are soft.
4. Add the cream and the whole grain mustard, stir until smooth. Season with salt and pepper, if needed.
5. Add the pork chops back to the pan and heat through.
To make the mashed potato
Bring a pot of salted water to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook until tender but still firm, about 15 minutes; drain.
In a small saucepan heat butter, cream, and milk over low heat until butter is melted.
Using a potato masher or electric beater, slowly blend milk mixture into the potatoes until smooth and creamy.
4. Season with salt and pepper to taste.