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苺のパブロバ Strawberry Pavlova

Writer's picture: petitselkyotopetitselkyoto

Updated: Jun 23, 2021







・卵白 5個分

・グラニュー糖 275g

・コーンスターチ 小さじ1

・レモン絞り汁 小さじ1

・柚子の皮 小さじ1


・クリーム36% 300ml

・粉砂糖 小さじ1

・イチゴ 300g(半分に切る)

・ミント 1束



1.オーブンを120℃に予熱します。 大きな天板にクッキングペーパーを敷きます。

2.ハンドミキサーなどで5個の卵白と砂糖を高速で6〜7分間、または固いピークが形成されるまで泡立てます。 滑らかで光沢があります。



5.120℃で1時間30分焼きます。 次にオーブンを切り、ドアを閉めた状態で、冷めるまでさらに1時間オーブンの中に置きます。 メレンゲをオーブンから取り出し、室温で完全に冷まします。



2.ホイップクリームをメレンゲの上に広げ、苺とミントをたっぷりとのせます。 すぐにお召し上がりください。

Strawberry Pavlova

This beautiful meringue topped with fresh Japanese strawberries is the perfect showstopper to serve up for dessert and it is so simple to make too.

Serves 6

Prep: 20 min/ cooking time 1h30


For the meringue:

· 5 Egg white

· 275g White Caster Sugar

· 1 teaspoon Corn flour or corn starch

· 1 teaspoon Lemon juice

· 1 teaspoon yuzu zest

For the topping:

· 300ml cream 36%

· 1 teaspoon icing sugar

· 300g strawberries (hulled, halved)

· 1 bunch of mint


To make the meringue:

1. Preheat the Oven to 120˚C. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Using the whisk attachment on your stand mixer, beat 5 egg whites and sugar for 6 to 7 minutes on high speed, or until stiff peaks form. The mixture will be smooth and glossy.

3. Add the lemon juice, yuzu zest and the corn starch and continue mixing another 15 seconds or until well blended.

4. Transfer immediately to the large sheet of parchment paper and use spatula to form a 10" round ring, making a deep indent in the centre to accommodate the cream and strawberries later.

5. Bake at 120˚C for 1 hour and 30 minutes. Then turn off the oven and with door closed, let it sit inside the oven another 1 hour until cooled. Remove meringue from oven and let cool completely at room temperature.

To make the pavlova:

1. Beat the heavy whipping cream with the sugar on high speed 2-3 minutes or until frosting is stiff and spreadable but do not over beat or it will become buttery.

2. Just before serving, spread whipped cream over the meringue and top with plenty of your strawberries and mint. Refrigerate leftovers. It is best served right away.

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