柚子のビタミンCを存分にお楽しみください! マーマレードで柚子の健康の良さを存分に味わうことができます。 さあ、準備ができました!
200mlジャムの容器 8個分
準備期間: 2日間
・有機栽培の柚子 24個
・砂糖漬けの生姜 200g
・水 1L
・砂糖 柚子全体の約3/4重量で、後で量を決めます
1.柚子をよく洗い、ふきんで軽くたたいて乾かします。 包丁で皮膚の黒い斑点を取り除き、ゆずを四分の一に切ります。
5.膜を大きなポットに入れ、十分な水を入れます。 沸騰させ、中火で10分煮ます。 この予備調理プロセスは、膜を柔らかくし、苦味を取り除くことです。
6.火から下ろし、ザルで水を切ります。 膜を冷やして粗く切り刻みます。 それらをボウルに入れておきます。
8.スライスした皮を大きな鍋に入れ、たくさんの水を入れます。 沸騰させ、中火で10分間煮ます。 火から下ろし、ザルにあけます。
10.必要な砂糖の量を決めます。 4つの材料を合わせた重量を計算します。
11.4つの材料の合計重量の3/4の砂糖を用意します。 柚子に砂糖を入れます。
16. 5時間ほど、マーマレードが冷えるまで瓶を裏返しておきます。 乾燥した場所で約1年間保管できます。
Yuzu marmalade with ginger confit
Enjoy the vitamin C of yuzu! You can take in the whole healthy goodness of yuzu in this marmalade. Ready!!!
For 8 jams at 200ml
2 days preparation.
· 24 pieces organic Yuzu
· 200gr candied ginger
· 1L Water
· Sugar, we measure the amount later, about ¾ by weight of whole yuzu.
1. Wash yuzu thoroughly and pat dry in a kitchen cloth. With a knife, remove any black spots on the skin and cut yuzu into quarters.
2. Remove seeds by hand and squeeze out the juice in a sieve (to catch more seeds).
3. Remove the peel by hand (peel is the entire outer covering of the citrus fruit) and separate the seeds and membranes in separate bowls.
4. Wrap the seeds in a cheesecloth and tie with kitchen twine.
5. Put the membranes in a large pot and fill with plenty of water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat. This precooking process is to soften the membranes and remove bitterness.
6. Remove from heat and drain in a strainer. Let cool and chop the membranes roughly. Put them in a bowl and set aside.
7. While cooking the membranes, start slicing the peel very thinly.
8. Put the sliced peel in a large pot and fill with plenty of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat. Then remove from the heat and drain in a strainer.
9. In a large bowl combine all ingredients together (yuzu peel, yuzu membrane, yuzu juice, 1 litre of water.
10. Now it is time to weigh and figure out the amount of sugar you will need. Calculate the total weight of the 4 ingredients.
11. Scale the sugar, ¾ of the combined weight of the 4 ingredients. Pour the sugar into the yuzu mixture.
12. Keep 1 night in into the fridge.
13. Bring that mixture to a boil with the seed and the ginger confit and simmer gently over medium heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring to dissolve the sugar, and skim any foam on top.
14. When the marmalade is reduced and becomes slightly thick, scoop a tablespoon of marmalade onto a cold plate and let it cool to check the thickness.
15. Remove the seeds from the marmalade, pour into the sterilized jars.
16. Turn over the jars for 5 hours or until your marmalades are cold. You can keep them around 1 year in a dry place.